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My Other Baby Mama Box Set Page 2
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“Good mornin’ to you, girl. Who you in here cookin’ for?”
“You. You know I can’t let you start your day on an empty stomach.”
“I hear that. Where’s Cassi?” he kissed her neck.
“Upstairs in her crib. She should be up by now.”
“I’ll go and check on her before I set everythin’ up.”
“Okay, bae.”
He grabbed the bags of money then walked upstairs heading straight to the bedroom. Placing the bags on the bed, he walked over to the closet pulling out the five money machines he had stored there. He set the machines on the dresser and powered them on before he walked out the room and down the hall to his daughter’s room. Ramsey peeked in her crib and she was still knocked out but that didn't stop him from picking her up and carrying her downstairs. He went into the kitchen and sat at the table. He gazed at Cassi for a moment before he focused his attention on her mother.
Ramsey first laid eyes on Cashmere when he popped up at Temple University to surprise his sister, Ryan. It was her junior year and he had just come back from being on vacation with Baylynn and wanted to check on his baby sister. Cashmere answered the door to their dorm room and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He had seen Ryan’s previous roommates from the years before but they had nothing on the pretty brown thing that caught his attention. She stood at 5’5” with bone straight jet-black hair and a banging ass body. When he asked for Ryan, she moved to the side to let him in and paid him no mind for his entire visit.
After leaving the dorm, Ramsey badgered his sister for two weeks straight for information about her roommate and after a while, she budged. Ryan told her brother everything about Cashmere. Her likes, dislikes, her plans after college, family and life goals. Ryan made her older brother promise her not to break her best friend’s heart if they did end up being together and he gave her his word that he wouldn't.
Ryan agreed for him to talk to Cashmere in hopes of him getting rid of that thot Baylynn but when she found out that he was still with her and fucking with her best friend, she became livid and cussed her brother smooth the fuck out. She forced Ramsey to come clean about Baylynn to Cashmere and when he did, she was devastated but that didn't stop her from talking to him. They had been talking for six months when Ramsey broke the news to Cashmere about his main chick but she was in too deep that she couldn't just walk away. So, she played her position like she was supposed to and settled for being the side chick.
When Ryan and Cashmere graduated from Temple, Cashmere announced that she was pregnant with Ramsey’s child. Their family was excited about the news but when he revealed to his family that Baylynn was also pregnant, his family was stunned. Ryan wanted to tell her friend that she wasn't the only one having a baby but when Cashmere told her the news about Baylynn, she was heartbroken again.
Brandi and Cassi were born five days apart at the same hospital and Ramsey was there to see both of his daughters enter the world. Baylynn was clueless about the affair that Ramsey was having with Cashmere but Cashmere knew everything about Baylynn, their child and the role she played in Ramsey’s life. Cashmere low key envied Baylynn’s relationship with Ramsey. She wanted to be the one that Ramsey came home to every night. Even though she couldn't have him the way she wanted him, she played her position and took whatever he gave her, which was a lot.
“Ramsey, your breakfast is ready, hun,” Cashmere announced bringing him back to reality.
“Are you okay? Seems like something is on your mind.” She placed his plate and eating utensils in front of him and took the baby from his arms.
“Nah, I’m straight.” He gave her a fake smile.
“You know I don’t believe you but if you don’t want to talk about it, I’m not going to pressure you. I’ll be upstairs counting the money if you need me.
Ramsey watched as she switched out of the kitchen making her ass jiggle when she walked. He could tell that she wasn't wearing panties underneath the tiny nightshirt that barely covered her ass. He knew what Cashmere wanted and he was going to make sure he gave it to her good after he finished his breakfast.
In the middle eating, his cell phone rang and he knew it was twin calling by the ringtone that played. He wiped his hands with a napkin then answered.
“Yo twin.”
“Wassup bro? What you doin’?”
“I’m at Cash’s house. She countin’ the money now.” He continued to eat.
“Cool. Come through the shop when you get finished with everyhtin’. Tell my sis I said hi and kiss my niece for me.”
“Got ya.”
Ramsey ended the call and finished his breakfast. He rinsed off the breakfast dishes before placing them in the dishwasher and went upstairs. As he neared Cassi’s room, Ramsey heard her cooing and smiled when he approached the crib. When Cassi saw him, she smiled and extended her arms so he could pick her up. Ramsey played with his daughter and changed her before tuning the TV on and placing Cassi in her swing while he went down the hall to Cash’s room. When he walked in, he saw where the stacks of money wrapped in rubber bands sat on her bed. She finished up fifteen minutes later and gave him the grand total of $50,000 even.
Ramsey gave her twenty thousand that she placed in her cash box that she kept in the top of her closet while he placed the rest of the money back in the duffle bags. He zipped the bags and tossed them on the floor. Cashmere flopped down on the bed and let out a long sigh.
“What’s wrong, Cash?” Ramsey sat next to her.
“Nothing to complain about,” she shrugged.
“That’s not tellin’ me nothin’.”
“I’ve been kicking myself in the ass for the decision I made to keep you in my life. Don’t get me wrong. I love you and I’m in love with you Ramsey but I feel like this relationship isn’t going turn around in my favor like I want it to. I knew what I was getting myself into when we started talking but I want something more than just being your other baby mama. Nobody knows about me except your family and I don't want to be a secret any more, Rams. I’ve been dealing with this because I don't want to lose you. I just don't know what to do,” she confessed.
Ramsey stared into Cash’s eyes and saw that she was hurting and on the verge of tears. He was well of aware of her feelings and he had the same feelings about her. Ramsey loved Cash and he wanted her to be his main chick but he told her that he couldn't just cut Baylynn off because she was there first and Baylynn had been rocking with him the longest. That was always his answer. Even though his heart and his family told him constantly that he needed to be with Cashmere, Ramsey based his decision on who had the most time invested, not on who he loved the most.
“Baby, you know I wanna be with you but you also know why I can’t. I hate that you feel like this and as much as I want you in my corner, I can understand if you don't wanna hold me down no more. You know I’ll still be there for you and Cassi,” he tried to say with a straight face.
He kissed her on the cheek before grabbing the duffle bags and left. Before he got out the door, he turned around and spoke.
“Fuck what I just said. You know I love you, Cashmere and you know I’d rather be with you. I’m just caught up right now and I can’t break free just yet. I know we’re not official but you’re not just my baby mama, Cash and you know that. I hate that I can’t give you what you want right now but believe me when I tell you that when the time is right, I’m gonna make you mine. You hear me?”
She walked over to him and kissed him passionately. Cashmere wanted him to fuck her but he didn't have time to but he promised that he would return later on to give her what they both wanted. They kissed once more before he kissed Cassi good-bye and headed out the house.
Ramsey tossed the bags in the backseat before getting behind the wheel of his truck and driving off. He thought about the words he spoke to Cashmere and how he badly wanted to keep his word to her. He knew that she was the type of woman that deserved to have a ring on her finger. She was a
true definition of a good girl and that was something Ramsey never had before. Cashmere wasn't about the drama and she constantly relieved him of his stress no matter who or what caused it and that was one of things he loved most about her. He couldn't give her what she wanted because he knew that if he tried to leave Baylynn, he would have hell to pay and Ramsey still needed her to handle business for him. Asking Cashmere to take her place as the mule was out of the question because he knew that shit could go wrong at any moment if she wasn't careful and Ramsey didn't want to risk her life that way. Baylynn on the other hand, was fearless when it came to that and Ramsey was comfortable with her doing it. He tried to replace Baylynn when he found out she was pregnant but she didn't want another bitch doing anything for her man that she could do herself.
Ramsey didn't want to lose Cashmere but he couldn't compromise his current situation with Baylynn. He just hoped that she would be able to hold on a little while longer because he didn't want another nigga raising his child and fucking his woman. Just the thought of it had him ready to kill somebody. Pushing his thoughts to the back of his mind, he cranked the volume up in his truck and You Don’t Know Me by T.I blasted through his speakers as he made his way to his destination.
Once Ramsey was gone, Cashmere put the cash machines back in their proper place in the closet. She was getting ready to relax when she heard Cassi start to cry. Rushing down the hall to her room, she picked up her screaming daughter quickly. Cash walked downstairs to the kitchen to prepare a bottle for Cassi. She tried to feed Cassi the bottle but she knocked the bottle out of her hand. That’s when she realized that her baby girl was having another one of her daddy fits, which was something she did often when her father left. Cashmere couldn't do anything but sigh as she tried to calm her daughter down.
“Cassi, sweetie, I know you want your daddy but he had to leave. I promise that he’ll be back later, okay?”
Her words didn't ease Cassi’s tears at all. She just continued to cry. After a half hour of listening to her daughter crying, Cashmere was tired of hearing it. Snatching the bottle off the counter, she marched upstairs to Cassi’s room, turned on the mobile that was hanging over crib, flopped down in the rocking chair and tried to feed Cassi again and this time it worked.
She became upset as she listened to her daughter and knowing the reason for her tears. As she replayed Ramsey’s words in her head about him wanting to be with her and her being more than just his baby mama, Cashmere began to question if he was telling her the truth or if he was just stringing her along. She thought about all the promises her baby father made her over the past year and some change and wondered if they would ever come to pass. Cashmere prayed that Ramsey was telling her the truth but a nagging feeling in her gut was telling her otherwise.
The music and the bottle had soothed Cassi enough that she drifted off to sleep. She burped her baby girl before laying her in the crib. She restarted the mobile before walking down the hall to her own room, climbing into the bed and falling asleep as well.
While she was in a deep sleep, the sound of the doorbell interrupted her. She dragged herself to the door and found her best friend, Ryan, standing on the other side. Cash hugged her before she moved to the side to let her in.
“Oohh girl. Don't ever answer the door like that again. That face is not attractive,” Ryan teased making her laugh.
“Don't act like you always wake up on point, heffa. Don't make me pull out them college flicks, okay?” Cash walked over to the couch and sat down.
“You never fight fair, yo.” Ryan shook her head and sat next to her.
“You know I love you,” she smiled. “So, what brings you by?”
“I had to get out of that damn shop. Baylynn and Ramsey’s sickening public display of affection was starting to piss me off.” Ryan rolled her eyes. “That bitch be really acting like she’s all in love with my brother but I know that bitch is living foul.”
“If it’s all the same to you Ry, I rather not talk about your brother,” Cashmere sighed.
“Aww honey. What’s wrong?”
“Your brother was here earlier and I told him that I felt like our relationship was going nowhere and that I was tired of being a secret. Ramsey said that he would still be there for me and Cassi and I thought that I was in the clear to do me but before he left my room, he turned around and gave me the same speech that I’ve been hearing for the past fifteen months. I knew what I settled for but I’m getting tired of being the side piece, Ryan.”
“Then stop waiting around for his ass, Cashmere.”
“Look, I know Rams is my brother and I love him dearly but at the same time, he’s still a man and if you want to get a man to act right, you have to treat them how they treat you. I know Ramsey treats you and my niece great but being cooped up in this house and pushing away every man that crosses your path is not cool. Cash, it’s time for you to start dating.”
“Now you know damn well I can’t do that. Ramsey will kill my ass.” She jumped off the couch and headed into the kitchen.
“If you don’t stop worrying about what Ramsey thinks. That man goes home to a woman and child every night while you sleep alone and Cassi throws fits every time her daddy leaves because she doesn’t see him enough.”
Ryan’s statement about Cassi made her angry and Ryan noticed.
“I didn't say that to piss you off, hon. I’m just stating the facts. I know you’re not trying to hear me on this but if you’re not going to do anything to solve the problem, why complain about it?”
Cashmere stared at her friend for a minute and even though she knew her friend was right, Ryan’s words still hurt. As much as she claimed to be tired of waiting for Ramsey, a part of her wasn't ready to give up on him yet. She figured that it wouldn't hurt to wait just a little longer until she made the decision to do her. Hell, look at how long she waited already.
“I hear you Ryan but I’m not ready to give up on Ramsey yet but I’ll let you know when I’m ready to move on.” She gave her a small smile.
“Aight girl but I just want you to know that Darren has been asking about you,” Ryan smiled.
“Darren? Our math tutor from college?”
“What is he asking about me for?”
“That boy always had a thing for you. You were just too wrapped up in Ramsey to notice.”
“How long have you been talking to him?” Cashmere grabbed a bottle water from the fridge.
“He found me on Facebook a few weeks back and we’ve been chopping it up. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t ask about you.”
“I’ll pass, Ryan.”
Ryan just shook her head as they walked out the kitchen. Walking upstairs to get her niece, Cashmere sat on the couch and watched re-runs of Tyler Perry’s House of Payne’s. Ryan came back down minutes later with a smiling Cassi in her arms. They snacked, watched TV and talked until Ramsey walked through the door around seven that evening. Ryan kissed her niece and best friend good-bye and chucked the deuces to her brother on her way out the door.
Cash cooked dinner for the two of them while her fed, washed and entertained Cassi until she got sleepy. While she was fixing their plates, Ramsey walked into the kitchen, took the plates from her and forced his tongue into Cash’s mouth. She threw her arms around his neck and kissed him back welcoming his tongue. He took off the night shirt she was wearing exposing her naked body. Ramsey fondled her nipples before licking and sucking each of them. She loved when he sucked her titties but she wanted to feel his tongue on her clit. She placed her hands on his head pushing him down to her wet box.
Ramsey quickly lifted her legs as Cashmere held onto the kitchen counter and dove into her wetness.
“Damn you taste good,” he moaned before continuing to eat his dinner for the night.
Ramsey’s head game was something out of this world. There were only a couple of guys before Ramsey that Cash slept with but they didn't compare to him.
He made her feel things she never felt before, which was also the cause of her waiting for him. There was no doubt that Cashmere was dickmatized and he knew that he had to go above and beyond with everything he did if he wanted to keep her in the picture.
The way her moans grew louder let him know that she was about to bust. He flicked his tongue quickly against her clit sending Cash to her climax and her juices dripped from his lips but he lapped them up with ease. When Ramsey was finished, he unbuttoned his jeans and let them fall to the floor along with his boxers. He lifted Cash on the counter and kissed her passionately. Ramsey’s dick was standing at attention and with one swift motion, he slid his dick inside her wetness causing her to moan in pure pleasure.
“Fuck Ramsey!” she shouted as he dug deep inside her.
“Damn, girl! Ya pussy wetter than a motherfucka,” he moaned in her ear.
Unlike Baylynn, Cashmere learned how to handle Ramsey’s dick game and had no problem with matching him stroke for stroke. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she scratched his back but not deep enough to leave any marks. Ramsey sucked on her neck as he fucked her with long hard strokes.
“You love me, Cash?”
“Yes! I love you so fucking much, Rams!”
“You gonna leave me?”
“No, baby! I’m not going nowhere!”
“You better fuckin’ not because I’ll kill any nigga that try to take you away from me. You hear me?”
“Yes. Yes, I hear you!”
“Now, cum for me.”
On cue, she came all over his dick and minutes later, he exploded inside of her. Ramsey kissed her again before they grabbed their clothes and went upstairs to shower. After they were finished, they laid in Cash’s bed having pillow talk until she pretended to drift off to sleep.
Just like clockwork, she felt Ramsey get out of bed and she watched him get dressed while his back was turned to her. When he was about to turn around, she quickly closed her eyes and waited for him to kiss her on the forehead like he always did before leaving. Cash’s eyes remained closed until she heard the front door close. She laid in her empty bed and held the pillow that he was laying on close to her. This was something that she was used to and she hated it. Even though she promised not to leave him, Cash didn't know how much longer she could deal with not being the only woman in Ramsey’s life much longer.