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My Other Baby Mama Box Set Page 3


  After she achieved her goal, which was to piss off the customers at the hair salon, Baylynn met up with her best friend and partner in crime, Amelia. Her and Amelia had been rocking together since first grade. They were as thick as thieves and whenever one of them had a plan, they could count on the other to ride for the cause.

  Baylynn had taught her friend the art of selling pussy and Amelia had been doing it since the age of fourteen. Once she learned that her best friend had been taking advantage of by a member of her family, Baylynn stepped in and taught her bestie how to make the best out of her situation, which was to make money from it. Knowing that Amelia was hurt and somewhat traumatized, that didn’t stop her from taking fourteen-year-old Amelia under her wing and teaching her the ropes of selling pussy. After getting comfortable with selling her body for money, they went from having separate partners to having multiple orgies with each other. At times, she felt like she was responsible for turning her friend into a thot like her but she figured if Amelia wanted to stop, she would.

  When Baylynn decided to change her ways and go straight, Amelia was frustrated with her. She wasn’t supposed to fuck around and get serious and the fact that she decided to get serious with Ramsey Miller added fuel to her fire. They were both supposed to be with the Miller twins but after finding out that Randall was already involved with someone, Baylynn felt bad for her but not bad enough to give up Ramsey for her best friend.

  When she met up with her partner in crime at Subway, Amelia excitedly informed her that their tricks wanted to meet them that weekend and Baylynn couldn't wait to meet up with her trick. He was the only man besides Ramsey that she liked spending time with. Once they discussed where they wanted their tricks to meet them at, they parted ways and promised to link up with each other that weekend.

  As she drove home, she thought about what excuse she was going to use to convince Ramsey about that weekend. Ramsey wasn't the controlling type but being as though he didn't care too much for Amelia, Baylynn knew she couldn't tell him that she was spending the weekend with Amelia.

  Pulling into the driveway, she smiled at the sight of Ramsey’s car parked in the driveway but let out a sigh of frustration when she noticed that his mother, Renee, was still there. The two women couldn't stand each other and they didn't try to hide it at all but Baylynn put up with it when she needed Renee to watch Brandi when she needed to make a run. She clicked the alarm for her car before unlocking the front door and walked inside just in time to hear the conversation that Ramsey and Renee were having about her.

  “I’m tellin’ you Ramsey. That hoe of yours is just triflin’. She spends more time runnin’ the street than she does with her own damn baby.”

  “Come on now, Ma. She just needed a break. That’s all,” he defended his woman.

  “A break? She needs a break every damn day. I spend more time here then I do at my own house,” Renee continued to fuss. “Ramsey, the more I look at Brandi, the more I’m startin’ to feel like she ain’t yours.”

  “Not this again.”

  “I’m tellin’ you that girl is still up to her old tricks. Out of all the women in Philly you coulda hooked up with, you chose the town thot.”

  Baylynn couldn't hold her composer any longer as she stepped into the kitchen making her presence known.

  “I’m glad that you speak so highly of me, Renee,” she stated sarcastically.

  “Hey Bay,” Ramsey stood up and kissed her on the cheek.

  “How can you kiss her? You don’t know where she’s been,” Renee spat in disgust

  “Renee, I think you said enough for one night. It’s time for you to go,” Baylynn pointed in the direction of the door.

  “The only one who can put me out is my son and I’ll stay as long as I damn well please you little smut bucket,” Renee stood to her feet.

  “Cool out, Ma.” Ramsey stood between the two women. “Bay, go wait for me in the bedroom while I finish talkin’ to my mom.”

  With an eye roll, she exited the kitchen and stormed off to the room hanging her bag on the back of the door before she stripped out of her clothes and climbed into bed with her bra and panties on. Impatiently waiting for Ramsey to enter the room, he finally did fifteen minutes later. As soon as he walked in, Bay spoke.

  “I don't like the way your mother talks about me Rams. I heard everythin’ she said about me and you didn't defend me at all. That’s not cool, bae.” She crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Baylynn, I defend you all the time to my mother and just because I didn't do it tonight don't mean I don't do it at all. My mother is just bein’ a mother and all mothers are over protective of their sons. She just wants what’s best for me, Bay.”

  “And I’m not what’s best for you, Rams?” Baylynn glared at him

  “My mother doesn’t feel like you are but she’s not the one in a relationship with you, I am and that’s all that matters,” he smiled at her.

  Baylynn couldn't help but smile back. The room fell silent for a moment and she felt that it was the perfect time to ask him about going for the weekend.


  “Wassup?” he removed his cell phone from his pocket.

  “I was wonderin’ since I don't have to work this weekend, would it be cool if I went to Atlantic City?”

  “Yeah that’s cool. How long you gonna be gone?” he began to undress.

  “Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon.”

  “Okay, Bay.” he tossed his clothes in the dirty clothes bin before he got into bed.

  Baylynn kissed him passionately before snuggling close to Ramsey and resting her head on his chest. She kept her eyes opened as long as she could before they got heavy and she fell asleep.

  The rest of the week, she stayed home and spent time with Brandi as well as cleaned the house, attempted to cook and catered to her man’s every need. Even though he said it was cool for her to go away for the weekend, she still wanted to earn the right to go. They fucked like rabbits for the entire week all the way up until she got ready to leave. Before Baylynn walked out the door, she heard Ramsey making plans of his own for the weekend. She didn't think nothing of it when he booked a hotel room for the weekend. She figured he would be hanging with his brother and their friends. So, she shrugged it off.

  Pulling up to Amelia’s crib forty minutes later, she honked the horn and her bestie came jogging out of the house and jumped in Baylynn’s car. They gave each other a high five before she pulled off and drove towards the expressway. They laughed, talked and danced as they drove to Atlantic City, New Jersey. Baylynn drove eighty miles per hours when the speed limit was sixty. She was glad to get away for the weekend and couldn’t wait to see her trick.

  Baylynn rolled up to the Borgata Hotel and Spa a little after an hour later. The women hopped out the car with only their purses because neither of them brought a bag for the weekend. She tossed her keys to the valet before they walked inside. They were heading towards the front desk when Baylynn received a text from the man she was there to see telling her the room number he was in. She made her way towards the elevator while Amelia headed towards the casino area where her weekend man was waiting on her.

  After riding the elevator to the fourth floor, she arrived at the room and let herself in. The room was decked out like a luxury condo. Bay walked through the suite until she found who she was looking for. Nysir, her trick, was wearing nothing but a towel when she found him in the bathroom. He was close to six feet tall and his dreads hung a little past his neck. His light brown eyes matched his skin and he had the body of a God. She eyed him lustfully as she watched him brush his teeth from the doorway. She’d been fucking him for about a few months and every time she told herself that she was done with him, Baylynn found herself making an excuse to see him. Whenever they were together, all she could think about was Ramsey and how much she was fucking up. She basically had the life she wanted with him and she took it for granted by thinking that Ramsey would never leave her. Sh
e wanted to do right but Bay just couldn't break the bond she had with Nysir.

  When he was finished, he bit his lip as he eyed her the same way before he motioned her to come to him. Walking over to him, no words were spoken before their lips locked. She moaned into his mouth as Nysir made his way to her neck and unbuttoning her jeans in the process. Bay felt bad for what she was about to do but she pushed her thoughts of Ramsey to the back of her mind as she braced herself for the sexcapade that she was about to partake in.


  As soon as Ramsey thought the coast was clear, he put his plans in motion for the weekend. He booked a hotel for the weekend in Miami and he couldn't wait to surprise Cashmere with the weekend getaway. After the hotel was booked, he hit up his brother and told him about his plans and his brother agreed to tag along with his chick. The next call he placed was to his mom so she could watch Brandi and Cassi and once she agreed, he packed Brandi’s bag then headed out the door.

  Ramsey drove to his childhood house in North Philly where his mother still resided. He tried plenty of times to move his mother out the hood but she refused. Renee felt as if she belonged there and despite the danger of the neighborhood, she felt as though she could handle herself.

  Ramsey parked in front of the house, got Brandi out her car seat and grabbed her bag before he closed the door waving to a few of the neighbors before he spotted Cashmere’s car parked near the end of the block. Using his key to unlock the door, he walked in the house and spotted his mother and Cashmere on the couch sharing a laugh together. Renee was holding Cassi who started smiling and trying to break away from her grandmother. Renee placed her granddaughter on the carpeted floor and she quickly crawled over to her dad.

  “Hey Daddy’s baby.” He picked Cassi up with his free hand. “You see your sister?”

  The babies both cooed at each other.

  “Hey baby. What are you doing here?” Cashmere asked as she watched Ramsey place the girls in the pack n play.

  “I came to drop Brandi off before I came to scoop you but I forgot that you’d be here for Cassi’s weekly visit with her grandma,” he smiled.

  “Scoop me? Where are we going?” she eyed him suspiciously.

  “A weekend getaway. I already asked my mom to watch the kids while we’re gone and you don't need clothes. We’ll go shoppin’ when we get there.”

  “I know I shouldn’t care but, where is she?” she asked referring to his main chick.

  “She’s away for the weekend. Now stop askin’ me all these questions so we can go please.”

  Cashmere jumped up from the couch and wrapped her arms around Ramsey’s neck and kissed him passionately before they said goodbye to Renee, kissed the kids and walked out the door. He helped Cash get into the car, hopped behind the wheel and drove off toward the Philadelphia International Airport.

  Ramsey got a call from his brother telling him where to meet him when they were close to the airport. He drove to the private hangar where their private jet was waiting for them. Leaving the car running as he jumped out and helped Cashmere out of the car, Ramsey’s homie and second in command was there waiting to take his car away. He gave him a pound and warned him not to fuck up his car before his homie hopped in and drove away. The couple held hands as they made their way up the steps and onto the private jet where Randall and his chick, Tiffany were waiting on them.

  “Well isn’t this a pleasant surprise.” Tiffany stood up to embrace Cashmere. “When Randall told me that we were going away for the weekend with Rams, I assumed he was bringing that hoe, Baylynn. Now I can really enjoy this weekend,” Tiffany squealed.

  They hugged each other tightly for a few seconds before they let go.

  “I’m glad he brought you too, sis. Now you can get some fresh air and not be cooped up in the house.” Randall stood and hugged Cashmere as well.

  “I don't appreciate you takin’ shots at me bro but I’ll deal with you in a lil bit.” Ramsey gave his twin an evil glare.

  Cash chuckled as she released Randall and shook her head at the two of them. Randall excused himself as he walked to the bathroom.

  “Come on, Cash. Let’s get a drink and catch up. You look like you need someone to talk to.” Tiffany pulled her towards the back of the jet.

  Cashmere and Ramsey locked eyes and she smiled at him before she followed behind Tiffany. The pilot closed the door to the jet and announced that they would be taking off shortly. Ramsey poured two glasses of Henny and carried them over to one of the massage chairs placing them in the cup holders. Minutes later, Randall returned and got comfortable in the chair next to his brother.

  The pilot announced for them to put on their seat belts and get ready for takeoff before the jet began to move. As the jet took off into the air, Ramey handed a glass to Randall and took a huge gulp from his. Finishing his drink, he decided to let his drink kick in before he got another one. Seconds later, Randall sparked a conversation to pick his brothers brain.

  “Do you wanna tell me the reason for this sudden getaway?”

  “I figured since Baylynn’s in Atlantic City, I would spend the weekend with Cashmere. You know, to show her how much I love her.”

  “Let me guess. she’s gettin’ tired of waitin’ on ya ass?” Randall smirked.

  “How the fuck did you know? Ryan told you?”

  “No. It’s just common sense, man. Cashmere is a hell of a catch and you’re playin’ her off to the side for an ex thot.”

  “Spare me the lecture, Randall.” Ramsey rubbed his temples.

  “I’m not tryin’ to lecture you, bro. All I’m sayin’ is you have a good woman in your corner and you’re fuckin’ up. None of the family likes Baylynn and we don't trust her. We tolerate her outta respect for you but Cashmere is the complete opposite. We look at shawty as family and we’ll do anythin’ for her but the fact that you gotta keep her tucked away and outta sight because you don't want Baylynn to find out ain’t cool. Cash shoulda left ya ass when she first found out the truth but she didn’t. That girl loves you and I hate to say this but she ain’t gonna wait on you forever, Rams. One day, you’re gonna have to choose between the two. I just hope you choose the right one.”

  Randall poured another cup of Henny for him and his brother before Ramsey went into deep thought. He couldn't deny the fact that his older brother was right as usual. Everything that Randall told him was true and there was no doubt in his mind that he would have to choose between the two women in his life but he knew that wouldn't be anytime soon.

  He spent the rest of the ride on the jet strategizing on how to keep Cashmere happy and making her feel more like his main chick than his baby mama. He decided from that point on, he was going to show her a side of him he never showed her before that would make her fall head over heels for him and love him even more than she already did.


  Cashmere talked the entire time on the jet as she updated Tiffany on her relationship with Ramsey informing her that she was slowly but surely slipping away from him. After listening to her vent, she understood where she was coming from. No woman wanted to be the side chick forever. Giving her a much-needed pep talk to hang in there a little while longer, Cash was a little more determined to stick by her baby daddy’s side. It made her feel better knowing that Tiffany was rooting for her and Ramsey to be together.

  The jet landed a few hours later and the men escorted their ladies down the steps and into the limo that was waiting for them. After the driver closed the door, he quickly made his way to the driver’s side taking his place behind the wheel and pulling off. Cashmere snuggled up close to Ramsey and buried her face in his chest so he couldn't see her. She was excited to be spending the weekend alone with him but she had an uneasy feeling about the whole trip. A part of her wanted to know the real reason behind it but the other part was telling her to go with flow. Cashmere wished she could listen to that other side but she couldn't.

  The driver pulled up in front of the One South Beach Hotel and Spa minutes later. Th
e driver opened the door for them and when Cashmere got out of the limo, her mouth dropped at the sight of the luxurious hotel. Ramsey grabbed her by the hand leading the way inside. She admired her surroundings in awe. She had never stayed at a hotel as nice as that one so this was a new experience for a person that wasn’t used to the finer things in life. After the twins were finished checking in at the front desk, the four of them rode the elevator to their floor and made plans to link up with each other the next day before they parted ways.

  Ramsey unlocked the door to their suite with the key card and once again, Cashmere’s mouth hit the floor. Every inch of the suite was beautiful from the living room to the balcony. Walking out onto the balcony, the cool night air embraced her as soon as she opened the door. She stood on the balcony gazing at the Miami skyline and the ocean. Minutes later, Cash felt Ramsey’s arms wrap around her from the back and she smiled.

  “So, what do you think of the suite?” he spoke into her ear.

  “This suite is amazing, Rams and this view is so fucking beautiful. I can’t believe you brought me here with you.”

  Ramsey turned Cashmere around so she was facing him.

  “Why can’t you believe it?”

  “You know why. We spend most of our time together in my house and when you do take me out somewhere, it’s only to family gatherings or a fancy restaurant. Never on a getaway like this. You only do stuff like this with Baylynn. That’s why I’m kind of confused as to why you brought me here.”

  “I brought you here to show you how I feel about you, Cash. Since you told me that you’re gettin’ tired of waitin’ on a nigga, the possibility of losin’ you has been fuckin’ with me. I brought you here so I can prove to you that I’m worth waitin’ for and to give you the love and attention that you’ve been missin’ from me and it’s not just for the weekend but every day after this. I’m not sayin’ that I’m leavin’ Baylynn just yet but when I do, I want you to know what you’re gettin’ yaself into by fuckin’ with a nigga full time.” He licked his lips seductively. “You cool with that?”