My Other Baby Mama Box Set Page 4
Cashmere stared into his eyes for a few moments. After hearing Ramsey’s reason for bringing her to Miami, she was speechless. She didn't think that he would do all of this just to keep her in his life and she couldn't contain the joy she felt. The fact that Ramsey wasn’t leaving Baylynn for good pissed Cashmere off but she was going to enjoy getting a taste of Baylynn’s life. She already had a baby by him and he gave her stacks of money every time she counted it for him but his undivided time and attention was what she wanted the most. The trip was just an added bonus.
“You don't know how long I’ve been waiting to hear you say those words, bae and to answer your question, yes. I’m cool with this.” She leaned forward kissing him deeply.
Ramsey welcomed her tongue into his mouth as he palmed her ass. Unbuttoning his jeans and letting them fall to his ankles, she backed him up to a nearby chair on the balcony and sat him down in it. She looked deep into his eyes as she dropped to her knees coming face to face with his thick shaft, gently sucking his balls before she licked his dick and inserted it in her mouth. Taking in as much as she could without gagging, Cashmere kept her eyes on Ramsey as she took him in and out of her mouth. She wasn’t a pro at giving head like Baylynn was but she was determined to be on her level and by the look on Ramsey’s face, she knew she was doing a hell of a job.
“Damn girl!” he hissed as he grabbed her hair.
Picking up the pace, she continued to show Ramsey the new tricks she learned. Nothing but cuss words flew out of his mouth as he tried his hardest not to cum but Cash made that impossible. Seconds later, he exploded in her mouth and she swallowed his cum for the first time. Gently sliding his dick out of her mouth, she stood to her feet. She couldn't help but to laugh at her man as he sat there with his eyes closed trying to catch his breath. Cashmere walked to the bedroom undressing on the way there. She climbed into the huge king size bed and waited for him to find her, which was only a few minutes later. Taking off his shirt, he jumped in the bed and wasted no time diving in between her legs.
As she laid there enjoying Ramsey’s tongue lashing, she couldn’t help the smile that was plastered on her face. The night couldn't have gotten any better and she knew that the sex she was about to have as well as the weekend was going to be the start of a new beginning for them.
Since arriving in Atlantic City Friday night, Baylynn’s weekend was filled with nothing but sex and fun. After fucking in every area of the suite, they washed up and lounged in the bathrobes that were in their room for the rest of night. Neither of them had a change of clothes to go anywhere so, Bay and Nysir figured they would chill for the rest of the night and hit the mall up first thing in the morning.
The next day, they linked up with Amelia and Nysir’s homeboy for breakfast and shopping. The four of them ate breakfast at Perry’s Cafe where they filled up on French toast, eggs and sausage before going shopping at the Tanger Outlets where the men and women separated. The women hit up their favorite stores while sharing sex stories from the night before. Although Amelia had great sex with Nysir’s friend, Benjamin, she felt some type of way after hearing about the amazing sex her friend had. Baylynn went into full detail about her night with Nysir and when she was finished, all Amelia could do was nod her head and fake a smile.
After hours of shopping, they went back to their hotel suites to drop their bags off before hitting up the casino for few hours. While she was enjoying herself, Bay couldn't help but think about Ramsey and what he was doing at the moment. Pulling out her cell phone, she noticed that she had one missed call and two texts from Ramsey but with her phone on vibrate, she didn't hear her phone go off. She checked her messages and instantly felt bad after reading Ramey’s texts. She replied to them before returning her focus to the slots machines.
Baylynn spent the rest of the evening being wined and dined by Nysir. They ate dinner at Morton’s Steakhouse then danced it off at the hottest nightclub afterwards. When they got back to their suite, the horny couple couldn't wait to rip each other’s clothes off and enjoy each other’s bodies once more.
Waking up the next morning, she hopped in the shower and got dressed. As she was lacing up her Jordan’s, she heard Nysir stirring in the bed. Baylynn cursed herself for not leaving sooner.
“I see you’re tryin’ to dip out on me as usual, Bay,” Nysir yawned.
“I’m sorry, Ny but you know how I hate sayin’ bye to you, love,” she frowned.
“I wish you didn't have to.”
“What you mean?” she asked sitting next to him on the bed.
“I know we’ve only been fuckin’ around for a few months and I understand the basis of our relationship but I want to get to know you on a more personal level.” He grabbed her hand.
“Nysir, you know that can’t happen. I have another life at home that I just can’t leave.”
“I know,” he sighed. “Well, if you change your mind, you know you can always call me.” Nysir gently kissed her hand. “When can I see you again?”
“Hit me up in a month or so,” she smiled.
He nodded his head in agreement as he snatched his money clip off the nightstand and handed it to her. Kissing his lips, she gathered her things and left the suite. Baylynn texted Amelia telling her to meet her in the lobby. Minutes later, she emerged from the elevator with bags in each hand. They walked out of the hotel and Baylynn handed her ticket to the valet. When the car arrived, she popped the trunk so Amelia could put her bags in while she put her bags in the back seat. Once everything was put away, they got in driving off towards the expressway.
Amelia was talking Baylynn ears off while as she drowned in her own thoughts. When Amelia noticed, she didn't have her attention she plucked her friend on the arm.
“What the fuck, bitch?”
“Bitch, I’m up here talkin’ to you and you ain’t listenin’. What the fuck is up with you?”
“I’m sorry. I just got some shit on my mind,” she huffed.
“Like what?” Amelia acted interested.
“I think this is goin’ to be my last visit with Nysir.”
“Say what now?”
“He’s cool and everythin’ but I can’t keep doin’ this.”
“Let me guess, you’re startin’ to feel bad about cheatin’ on Ramsey?” Amelia mocked. “Bitch you say that every time you get finished spendin’ time with him. If you were really done with him, you wouldn’t be so easily persuaded to come with me and see him. Besides, how the hell do you know that Ramsey’s ass ain’t cheatin’ or got some secrets, Bay?”
“Here you go with this shit again.” Baylynn rolled her eyes.
“Look bitch, you ain’t exactly wifey material. You used to sell pussy for a livin’ and that shit ain’t no secret. You really think you gonna live happily ever after with this nigga? I’m surprised he let ya thot ass have his seed,” Amelia stated harshly.
“You know what Amelia, I’m gonna keep my comments to myself. I know you still salty because Randall hooked up with that boujee bitch at the shop but you can keep ya hatin’ ass comments to yaself. You don't know shit about my nigga and this is the last time I’m comin’ with you to do this shit. I’m done.”
Amelia rolled her eyes at Baylynn and they rode home in silence the rest of the trip. When Baylynn pulled up to Amelia’s crib, she popped the trunk so Amelia could get her things. Jumping out of the car and slamming the door, she snatched her things out of the trunk and walked into her house leaving the trunk open. She cussed Amelia out under her breath as she got out of the car, closed the trunk and got back in driving down the block to Renee’s house. She didn’t feel like being bothered with Brandi but figured she would get her daughter so she wouldn't have to hear Renee’s mouth.
After Baylynn parked, she knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer. Seconds later, Ryan snatched the door open and the look that was displayed on her face told her that Ryan wasn't happy to see her.
“Ryan, I just came to get my daughter. I come
in peace.”
Ryan looked her up and down before she moved to the side to let her in. Baylynn walked in and saw Brandi and another baby playing on the floor. She picked up Brandi who started to whine. Before she could get a good look at the other baby, Ryan handed her Brandi’s diaper bag. Baylynn tried to get another look at the baby but Ryan blocked her view as they walked to the door.
“Ryan, I know this ain’t none of my business but who’s baby is that?”
“You’re right. It's not any of your business.” Ryan kissed Brandi goodbye before shutting the door in her face.
Walking to her car, she buckled Brandi in her car seat and got behind the wheel of the car. As she drove home, Bay couldn't get the other baby off her mind and the fact that Ryan didn't answer her question didn't surprise her at all. The entire ride home, she couldn’t figure out who the baby could belong to so, she gave up trying. When she pulled into the driveway, a text came through on her phone. Baylynn put the car in park, grabbed her phone checking the text. It was from Ramsey.
Ramsey: Hey Bay. I won’t be home until early tomorrow mornin’. Text me when you make it home so I know you’re safe.
Baylynn: I just got home, bae and I’m not happy that I have to be by myself tonight but we’ll be okay.
Ramsey: Don't be like that. I have a surprise for you when I get back.
Baylynn: Ooo a surprise! I can’t wait to see it and you!
Ramsey: Can’t wait to see you either.
Baylynn: I love you.
Ramsey: Love you too, Bay.
She smiled as she killed the engine on her car, grabbed Brandi and her diaper bag out the car leaving her shopping bags behind. Baylynn unpacked Brandi’s bag putting her things in the proper place before grabbing a jar of baby food for her daughter. As she fed her baby girl, she realized that she needed to stop fucking up and start being faithful. Ramsey was the ultimate prize for her and even though her best friend's words hurt, they were true. Baylynn’s past was unforgettable and the fact that she was still up to her old ways didn't make it any better. Bay knew what she had to do but wasn’t sure if she would be able to truly put her old ways behind her. Ramsey meant everything to her and she was going to try her best to do right by him.
After he finished texting Baylynn, Ramsey joined everyone on the beach. He didn’t like the beach but since he was on a mission that weekend, he chalked it up. It was their last night in Miami and Ramsey didn't want to spoil their perfect weekend. The four of them chilled, talk and watched the waves roll in until the sun went down. They headed back to the hotel so they could get ready for the trip back home. Neither of them were ready to leave but they knew they had to go.
When the couple reached their room, they showered and threw on some pajamas before Ramsey ordered room service for them. He relaxed on the bed as he watched Cashmere pack her bag with new eyes. Ramsey knew that the weekend he had planned would no doubt bring them closer together but he didn't expect her to surprise him the way that she did.
He already knew the basics about his baby mama but after the time they spent together, he learned some new things about her. Ramsey paid attention as she talked about her like for sports, video games, mild smoking habit and the places she wanted to travel to. He never thought that his good girl had a thing for weed, sports or videogames and learning that Cashmere enjoyed the same things he did made him fall for her even more. The weekend getaway was for her to fall in love with him not expecting that he would start to fall in love himself.
Zipping up her last bag, he motioned for her to join him in bed. Smiling as she climbed into bed, she snuggled up next to him. Ramsey kissed her forehead before they got comfortable and tuned into Bad Boys II. A few minutes into the movie, he decided to pick her brain about the weekend they shared together.
“Yo Cash?”
“Yes, Rams?
“Did you enjoy yaself this weekend?”
“Do you even have to ask that question?” She leaned up to look at him with a smile on her face. “I loved everything about this weekend. From us jet skiing to dining at the fanciest restaurants in Miami. Not to mention the shopping spree and the rest of the gifts you brought me but the fact that I had you all to myself with no interruptions was the best shit ever.”
“I hear that.” Ramsey pulled her close to him and kissed her. “I was thinkin’ that maybe we should do somethin’ like this every month. That way I can take you to those places you always wanted to travel too.”
“Oh my goodness! Ramsey, are you serious?”
“Yeah. Us spendin’ time together like this and gettin’ to know you a lil better did somethin’ to me. I know we love each other but I feel like our love for each other got a lil bit deeper? What you think?”
“If you’re trying to ask me if I’m falling in love with you, the answer is yes,” Cashmere nodded her head.
“That’s good to know because I might be fallin’ in love with you too,” Ramsey smirked.
“Might be huh?” She grabbed a pillow and hit him with it.
They laughed as he snatched the pillow from her pulling Cash on top of him. Laying on top of him as he palmed her ass, she drifted off to sleep. After an hour of lying in the bed, Ramsey gently moved her off him placing her on the bed. He grabbed his cellphone as he walked out onto the balcony. He called his homie telling him to be at the airport with his car by 6am.When he ended that call, the next person he called was his sister. The phone rang twice before she answered.
“Yo Bro.”
“Wassup sis? How were the kids this weekend?”
“How you know I was at mommy’s house this weekend?”
“Please, like mama was gonna watch them babies by herself,” he chuckled.
“That’s true,” she laughed. “They were good. They get along well together.”
“That’s good. Listen, I need you to drive Cashmere’s car to her house and take Cassi with you. Cash should be home no later than seven.”
“Okay. Oh, Baylynn might ask you some questions when you get home.”
“Why? What happened?”
“She came to pick up Brandi and she might’ve gotten a glimpse at Cassi. Before she left, she asked who baby she was and I told her that it was none of her business.”
“Good lookin’ out, sis.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’ll be glad when you just come clean with that hoe. You got everybody lying for you and shit.”
“Just do what I told you and we’ll talk when I see you.”
“Mmm hmm.”
Ryan hung up and Ramsey placed his cell phone on the table. He ran a hand over his head as he let out a sigh of frustration. He was thankful for the heads up that his sister gave him so he knew how to handle the situation when he arrived home. The next couple of hours, he tried to figure out how he was going to keep up with his double life. Ramsey wanted to keep his word to Cash and make time for her after this trip and since the weekend played out better than he thought, he was looking forward to spending more time with her. He would have to put more people to work in order to make that happen but that didn't matter to him. He was going to do whatever it took to keep a smile on Cash’s face and keep her in his life.
When Cashmere was awakened by Ramsey, she rolled out of bed, threw on her clothes and they checked out of the hotel. She slept on Ramsey’s shoulder to the private jet and while they were flying home. When the jet landed, she woke up and he helped her off the jet. Stepping off the jet, there were three cars waiting for them. Cashmere said her goodbyes to Tiffany and Randall while Ramsey placed her bags in the trunk of the limo. She walked over to Ramsey with pouted lips because she knew that he wasn’t coming home with her.
“Come on now, Cash. Don’t hit me with the pouty lips.” Ramsey shook his head.
“I’m sorry, baby. Everything was great this weekend. I just want you to stick to your word.”
“I hear you and like I told you before this wasn’t just a one-time thing, bae. Just trust me.”
He pulled her close to him and kissed her lips.
She broke their kiss and gave him a big smile before helping her in the car. He told her to text him when she made it home as the driver drove off that hangar and onto the expressway. Pulling out her cell phone, she saw that she had a text from Ryan telling her that she was at her house with the Cassi. She felt a little bad for not checking on her baby all weekend but she trusted Renee and if anything was to happen, Cashmere knew that she would be notified in a heartbeat.
About an hour later, the driver pulled up in front of Cash’s house, parked and got the bags out of the trunk. Thanking the driver, she grabbed her bags and walked up the front steps to her house. The door opened and she was met by her best friend and a smiling Cassi. Cash dropped her bags at the door and took Cassi into her arms smothering her face with kisses as she walked over to the couch and sat down.
“I like how all of you just left me. I had to find out from my mom that y’all went to Miami.” Ryan folded her arms across her chest as she sat down next to her friend.
“Don’t be upset, Ryan. This trip was a surprise to me from your brother. I just went along with the flow. I didn’t know that Tiffany and Randall were coming along but we had a great time though,” she smiled.
“I appreciate you for not rubbing it in with details but I do gotta ask what was the meaning behind the sudden trip?”
“Well, this trip was to bring me and Ramsey closer together. He told me that he is going to give me the love and attention that I’ve been wanting from him. Not just for the weekend but every day after. So, the weekend is over and now it’s time for him to put some action behind his words.” Cash placed Cassi on the floor to play.